Who is beloved to thyself say.
Knowing the real who has countless gay.
The absolute entity who knows himself,
He is beloved and he is myself. 1
There is some entire that I am only,
Knowing the self who is at ease fully,
Who is absorbed thus solely in self
He is beloved and he is myself. 2.
Beyond matter, force and mind,
Shining existence whose self I find,
The one without other who knows himself,
He is beloved and he is myself. 3.
I which is felt in the depth of heart,
Arises in self-effulgent mart.
Who reckons ego the shining self.
He is beloved and he is myself 4.
Knowing I am the supreme bliss
Who never thinks of dirty kiss
Giving up sensuality who resides in self
He is beloved and he is myself.5.
Who never thinks the body I am
Who never thinks the conscience l am
Only the unity who knows himself
He is beloved and he is myself 6.
Even a fairy whom disturbs never,
Who conquered passions fully for ever
Untouched by foolish love who is self
He is beloved and he is myself. 7.
Knowing the self who shines in his glory
To whom world-wide riches never worry
Who thinks this all illusion in self
He is beloved and he is myself. 8.
In profound sleep who thinks I remain
The ever bliss devoid of pain
Who knows not diversity in self
He is beloved and he is myself. 9.
Who lights this all to light whom nothing,
Who pervades this all to pervade whom nothing
Shining this all who shines himself
He is beloved and he is myself 10.
By whose very presence the all is moving
Eternal essence who knows I am living
Thus who is aware of innermost self
He is beloved and he is myself 11.
Being devoid of worldly temptation
Who tries at best to worlds salvation
Who is thoroughly satisfied in self
He is beloved and he is myself 12.
Who thinks never the world’s voices
Who is in self above all choices
Purest the one who knows himself
He is beloved and he is myself 13.
To whom this world is mindmade foolish
Eliminating mind nothing which is foolish
To whom the mindless supreme is self
He is beloved and he is myself 14.
Who is bound to be true always
Who is devoid of untrue ways
Only for truth who bears himself
He is beloved and he is myself 15.
May the world follow or frown at him,
May the world praise or abuse him,
With unstirred state who finds himself
He is beloved and he is myself 16.
To whom no fear, anxiety and strain
To whom is equal the loss and gain
To whom nothing but blissful self
He is beloved and he is myself 17.
In cheer of spring and in chill of winter
Never detained by pain and pleasure,
Always the one who finds himself
He is beloved and he is myself 18.
Who checks unruly thoughts of breast
Who holds captive the shocking chest
The omnipotent who finds himself
He is beloved and he is myself 19.
The ever changeless who knows himself
Unshocked with any finds himself
Ever calm who remains himself
He is beloved and he is myself 20.
Unstirred ocean of love and beauty
The bliss unfathomed who is the unity
While setting and rising of world who is self
He is beloved and he is myself 21.
In word and action who is the same
To whom best life is ever a game
All uplifting who finds himself
He is beloved and he is myself 22.
As all waters flow to sea,
To whom all religions flow I see,
Utmost goal of all who is himself
He is beloved and he is myself. 23
Who keeps in view the welfare of the world
Whose life is a treasure valued in world
Essence of happiness who is himself
He is beloved and he is my self. 24.
Who says not only I am the great
Who says also you are great
Free from ego who finds himself
He is beloved and he is myself. 25
Who sees uniformly all in himself
To whom in all he is the self
Extreme peace who is himself
He is beloved and he is myself 26.
Whose mind is turned away from unreal
Whose mind itself became the real
To whom undivided soul is himself
He is beloved and he is myself. 27
Whose heart is the light to the ignorance dark
Whose body is the mould of the spiritual mark
Whose word is sprinkled with divine self
He is beloved and he is myself. 28.
With eyes of equality who looks this ground
Who finds infinite-self all around
Who is perfectly accomplished seif
He is beloved and he is myself. 29
Harmless innocent whose childlike life
Comforts any in the human’s strife
Who sports and delights in his worldwide
He is beloved and he is myself 30.