Through thy mercy Oh Lord!
Blessed l am attaining the highest
Free from clutches of births
I am the Infinite lI am the Eternal 1.
Unattached I am disembodied
Free from subtle body and ignorance
I am taintless, I am pacified
I am the Infinite, l am the Eternal 2.
Not the doer I am nor the enjoyer
Changeless I am beyond activity
am the absolute essence of knowledge
I am the Infinite, I am the Eternal 3.
Different from seer, seeing and seen
Different from name and form of the world
llusion of both this and that
I am the Infinite, I am the Eternal 4.
Devoid of interior and the exterior
The one without second entityl am
Nothing is remote and nothing is near
Iam the Infinite, I am the Eternal 5.
Matchless Supreme the Truth unborn
Beyond the mind and its thought
Devoid of I, thou and that
am the Infinite, I am the Eternal 6.
Witness of everything, I am the entire
No higher and lower, no great and small
All pervading I am the one
I am the Infinite, I am the Eternal 7.
In me the ocean of bliss highest
Waves of universe born and vanished
My latent energy play as wind
Iam the Infinite, I am the Eternal 8.
Just as in indivisible long time
Seasons, year, months and hours
So in me worlds duration births and deaths
I am the Infinite, I am the Eternal 9.
The rush of water absorbed in mirage
Never vwets the desert tracks
No touch of worldly matter for ever
I am the Infinite, I am the Eternal 10.
Distinct from things illumined like sun
Apart from things but pervading as sky
Motionless for ever like mountain itself
I am the Infinite, I am the Eternal 11.
No connection with thoughts as
the sky with the clouds
May they exist come and
go do work anything
No threefold states the attributes of mind
I am the Infinite, I am the Eternal 12.
It is Super-imposed attribute
That arises and vanishes itself alon e
I am firm no action in me
I am the Infinite, I am the Eternal 13.
How can omnipresent travel along
How can omnipotent be helped by other
How can self bliss desire anything
T am the Infinite, I am the Eternal 14.
As a body is not affected by
the cold and heat
That happens to touch the shadow
So to me the mindmade creation
never touches
I am the Infinite, I am the Eternal 15.
As the lamp is ever unaffected
By the room properties which
are lightened
So the world properties never atfect me
l am the Infinite, I am the Eternal 16.