Oh! the young my self
The heart of my energy
The spring of my hope
The source of the world.
Your iron-like physique
Your changeless mind
Your Highest goal
Is the breath of religion.
You are the sun of joy
Rising in the horizon
Ever-progress is your life
Get on, get on, My fervent hope.
Your future fame is ringing
Awakening the world none asleep
Oh! myself the active energy
Rise on to the summit of Bliss.
Know the gross material
But you are the self immortal
Don’t hanker after the perishable
Don’t be a sorry figure.
Command honour and fame
Begging is weakness indeed
My hearty blessing to you
Push on, push on, stop not.
Shridhar is Ever shining self
The serene peak of highest Bliss
The vigour itself everlasting
Arisel Arisel never stop!!